/ jansonius

Homepage of Nomdo Jansonius

My main scientific interests are retinal physiology and optics. Retinal physiology dates back to my PhD project in physics at the Department of Biophysics, University of Groningen, and the Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge. At that time (1989-1993) I studied photoreceptor metabolism (sodium and potassium homeostasis and oxygen consumption) and spatiotemporal properties of ganglion cells in insects. Optics dates back to my postdoc project (1994-1995) in physiological optics at the Laboratory of Experimental Ophthalmology, University of Groningen. Currently, the research I'm involved in deals with physiological optics, retinal physiology, epidemiology, perimetry, and optical coherence tomography. The research is mainly directed towards glaucoma, my current subspecialty as an ophthalmologist.

Some pictures from my PhD project: intracellular recording from Calliphora vicina photoreceptor, optic chiasm of Calliphora vicina, and spikes recorded from optic chiasm (presumably from L4 and L5). My inaugural lecture (in Dutch).

Imaging and perimetry Society (formerly International Perimetric Society; IPS) / European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER) / Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) / Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging / Nederlands Oogheelkundig Gezelschap / European Railway Timetable (Lynx-version from DB) / Fruitrassen / Kippenrassen / Catalogus antieke radio's / Middengolf en langegolf / Wide-band WebSDR University of Twente / Radiozenders in Nederland / Onderdelen voor radio's / antieke telefoons / Proefjes voor Kinderen / LaTeX manual / The Bare Bones Guide to HTML / Fortran 77 tutorial / Fortran 77 manual / Numerical Recipes / Epidemiology-Uninitiated / Gronings Ontzet - een "ooggetuige"verslag uit 1722 van Johannes van Velsen (9.8 Mb) / Oude Lego bouwplaten (5.0 Mb) / WadgidsenWeb / Aluminium zeilboten / Onderdelen voor zeilboten

latest update: 2-10-2022