/ jansonius / groningen glaucoma group

Groningen Glaucoma Group (G3) Homepage

The Groningen Glaucoma Group is part of the Laboratory of Experimental Ophthalmology (LEO), which in turn is part of the Department of Ophthalmology, UMCG. The final aim of our research is to improve glaucoma care by contributing to the development of evidence-based, protocolised, and tailor-made testing strategies for the detection and monitoring of glaucoma: what test should be performed when in which person and what should be done with the test result. Projects comprise clinical studies, epidemiology, psychophysics, and optical coherence tomography. Physiological optics and retinal physiology play a central role. Many projects use data collected in the 'Groningen Longitudinal Glaucoma Study', a longitudinal observational study with 1000+ participants, begun in 2000.

latest update: 6-4-2022